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标题 Report on illegal transfer of resettlement housing into commercial housing for sale in Jindi new living community of Kaifeng
受理编号 20210122127571
反馈类别 住房保障(公租房、保租房)
提问人 Mr.Wang
内容 Hello, related departments I purchased a set of Jindi new life real estate in 2018. At that time, due to negligence, I didn't see the five certificates published by the developer in time. I told the developer to hand over the house in 2019 and complete the procedures of commercial house, such as loans for the owners of the community, and complete the delivery of the house. I communicated with the developer and relevant departments face to face for many times. As of 2021, the procedures had not been completed, and there was no specific time limit for hand over the house, The competent department of housing and urban rural development is requested to urge the developer to complete the legal procedures for the house as soon as possible and deliver the house as soon as possible. Thank you.
提问时间 2021/1/22 12:52:08
回复内容 您好!根据属地管理原则,请联系杞县住建局详细咨询。
回复时间 2021-01-26

主办单位:开封市住房和城乡建设局   联系电话:0371-22665019  

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